Geodatastyrelsen Charts

Geodatastyrelsen is a Danish public institution responsible for the management and dissemination of geospatial data and mapping in Denmark, including nautical charts. Geodatastyrelsen is maintaining up-to-date and reliable nautical charts for Danish waters.

The work on nautical charts involves the collection of data on the seabed, coastline, waterways, shipping lanes, lighthouses, and more, using methods such as hydrographic surveys, measurements, and satellite imagery.

This data is regularly updated to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the nautical charts. Geodatastyrelsen also collaborates with other maritime authorities, including the Danish Maritime Authority, to ensure that the nautical charts meet the necessary standards and requirements.

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21-40 of 186 products in the category
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  1. Nautical Chart 117 Roskilde Fjord Lynæs - Frederikssund

    Price: DKK 295.00
  2. Nautical Chart 109 Limfjorden Mors - Løgstør

    Price: DKK 295.00
  3. Nautical Chart 132 Sundet Syd

    Price: DKK 295.00
  4. Nautical Chart 104 Østersøen, Femern Bælt - Sundet

    Price: DKK 295.00
  5. Nautical Chart 151 Lillebælt Nordlige del

    Price: DKK 295.00
  6. Nautical Chart 188 Østersø Gedser Rev-Chrø

    Price: DKK 295.00
  7. Nautical Chart 134 Port of Copenhagen

    Price: DKK 295.00
  8. Nautical Chart 144 Nakskov Fjord

    Price: DKK 295.00
  9. Nautical Chart 93 Jyllands Vestkyst

    Price: DKK 295.00
  10. Nautical Chart 95 North Sea Port of Esbjerg

    Price: DKK 295.00
  11. Nautical Chart 106 Limfjorden, Hals - Ålborg

    Price: DKK 295.00
  12. Nautical Chart 162 Grønsund

    Price: DKK 295.00
  13. Nautical Chart 153 Haderslev Fjord

    Price: DKK 295.00
  14. Nautical Chart 142 Storebælt Syd

    Price: DKK 295.00
  15. Nautical Chart 101 Kattegat, Northern part

    Price: DKK 295.00
  16. Nautical Chart 141 Storebælt Nord

    Price: DKK 295.00
  17. Nautical Chart 110 Mariager Fjord

    Price: DKK 295.00
  18. Nautical Chart "D" Dénmark Maritime borders

    Price: DKK 295.00
  19. Nautical Chart 161 Bøgestrømmen

    Price: DKK 295.00
  20. Nautical Chart 111 Randers Fjord

    Price: DKK 295.00
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