Bridge Watchkeeping

Varenummer 62621020
Pris 835,00 kr.
Pris ekskl. moms 668,00 kr.
Udgave 3
Udgivelse juli 2021
Forfatter Captain Mark Bull FNI
ISBN 9781906915926
Sprog Engelsk

Vælg variant

  1. Bog
  2. E-Bog
Pris: 835,00 kr.

NIS Bridge Watchkeeping

A completely revised, fully updated and practical manual giving advice on avoiding potential pitfalls including not to rely on a single source of information and rather than either/or utilize combine and compare. Captain Yves Vandenborn FNI, Director of Loss Prevention at the Standard Club, says in his Foreword that many accidents 'could have been prevented if the bridge teams had embraced the best practices set out in this book'. Tilgængelig både som fysisk bog og E-Bog. Ved køb af en E-Bog gives der adgang til vores gratis applikation, SeaReader, som udelukkende er kompatibel med Windows. Få mere information om E-Bøger på vores side om SeaReader: