Nautical Chart 161 Bøgestrømmen
Product number | 14001610 |
Price | DKK 295.00 |
Price ex. VAT | DKK 236.00 |
Chart no. | 161 |
Edition | 12 |
Released | July 2020 |
Scale | 1:30000 |
Author | Geodatastyrelsen |
DKK 295.00
Danish chart No. 161
The paper Nautical chart covers:
Smålandsfarvandet, Nordøstlige del
The following plans are included in the chart:
A) Vordingborg havne Masnedsundbroens gennemsejlingsfag (1:12 000)
B) Storstrømsbroens gennemsejlingsfag (1:12000)
C) Sjælland-Farøbroens gennemsejlingsfag (1:12000)
D) Dronning Alexandrines Bro gennemsejlingsfag (1:12 000)
Geo Locations:
5508N 1151E
5457N 1218E
Dimensions 72 x 102 cm
Danish chart corrections: