Sejladsplanlægning, tidevand & astronomisk navigation

Product number 62130052
Price DKK 735.63
Price ex. VAT DKK 588.50
Edition 1
Released September 2014
Author Niels Holland
ISBN 9788777902628
Pages 225
Language Danish

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  1. Book
  2. E-Book
Price: DKK 735.63

Sejladsplanlægning, tidevand & astronomisk navigation

"Sejladsplanlægning, tidevand & astronomisk navigation" is a navigation textbook in Danish. Astronomical navigation involves determining position by measuring the angle between one or more celestial bodies and the horizon. With knowledge of the location of the observed celestial body or bodies on the celestial sphere, along with the time of observation and the measured angles, one or more location lines can be established and plotted on a map. This method is rooted in astronomy, one of the oldest scientific disciplines, as humans have studied the movements of celestial bodies for millennia across various cultures worldwide. Authored by Niels Holland, this book is the third in a series of four: 1. Teknisk navigation 2. Terrestrisk navigation 3. Sejladsplanlægning, tidevand & astronomisk navigation 4. Opgaver i navigation The book is in Danish. Available in hardcopy or as a digital e-book through our free Windows-compatible software, SeaReader. For more information on e-books, please visit our SeaReader page at