IGC Int. Gas Carrier Code 2016
Shipboard Pollution SOPEP 2010
Use of Sorbents Spill Response
Timber Deck Cargoes, 2012 Ed.
The London Protocol 2014 Ed
The London Dumping Convention 2016
Ships' Routeing 2019 Edition
Fra: 1.807,10 kr.
Ship Recycling Convention
Sampling of Dredged Material 2005
Revised Guidance on the National Implementation of the London Protocol
Prevention of Corrosion Ships
Port Reception Facilities 2016
Passengers and their Luggage
Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSA) 2017
OSV Chemical Code, 2018 Ed.
Operational Guidelines on Sunken and Submerged Oil Assessment and Removal Techniques
Oil Pollution Section III 1997