The Foundation

The Iver C. Weilbach Foundation was established in memory of Iver C. Weilbach, in 1961.

The purpose of the foundation is to promote and support research and education within the maritime industry. The foundation funds and supports activities and initiatives for educational institutions, research organisations and individuals engaged in maritime studies.

The Iver C. Weilbach Foundation has direct ownership of Iver C. Weilbach Holding A/S, which owns the operating company Weilbach A/S and the investment company Weilbach Invest ApS.

Through Weilbach A/S a number of daughter companies are owned. Dividends from the companies are accessed by the foundation and distributed according to the purpose of the foundation.

  • The foundation is independent
  • No person or corporation has any ownership of the foundation
  • No one has special rights or influence over the foundation
  • No one receives dividends from the foundation

The Board of Directors of the Foundation is appointed partly by the employees of Weilbach A/S and is partly self-supplemental.

The foundation is completely independent of external owners and capital interests, all capital is reinvested in the foundation's companies or distributed according to the purpose of the foundation.

Maiden Crew at a school in Sri Lanka Maiden - Leg 3 in Ocean Globe Race - Auckland to Punta del Este
The crew of the Africa Mercy ship posing in front of the ship in their blue uniforms The impressive training ship Danmark docked at a harbour

Purpose of the Foundation

  1. To promote interest in and desire in the shipping industry by providing financial support and encouragement, for example, in the form of prizes for institutions, associations or individuals who are in favour of such an interest or are training for a deed in the profession, in particular for the purpose of training for navigators.
  2. To provide financial support for cultural and scientific work that can also benefit the shipping industry and its practitioners.
  3. To provide financial support for humanitarian and charitable purposes, including support for former employees of Iver C. Weilbach & Co A/S and their widows and children in education and to Iver C. Weilbach & Co. A/S' Help Foundation for workshop workers.

You can find out more about the vision, goal and strategy of the Foundation here.

Our donation policy can be found here.

The grants cannot be applied for.



Good Governance

In connection with the work on good governance, the Board of Directors of Iver C. Weilbachs Foundation has prepared a statement on good governance in accordance with section 77a of the Danish Financial Statements Act. The statement shall be updated annually. The current statement is attached to the Foundation's annual report for 2023-2024 and can be viewed here.