VHF - Komplet Guide til VHF

Product number 64541091
Price DKK 189.00
Price ex. VAT DKK 151.20
Edition 2
Release February 2014
Author Tim Barlett
ISBN 9788771420210
Language Danish
Price: DKK 189.00

VHF - Komplet Guide til brug af VHF

The VHF Handbook contains important background knowledge for anyone taking or wishing to take the test for VHF/SRC certificate benefits from. The book meets the Danish Maritime Authority's requirements for teaching material for the course. The combination of easy-to-read text, advice from experts, good color illustrations and updated coverage maps ensure that the material is simple and interesting. The book is published in the series of titles from the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) This book is in Danish.