Planungs. Deutschland Nordost

Product number 64642025
Price DKK 323.96
Price ex. VAT DKK 259.17
Edition 7
Release January 2022
Scale 1:375000
Author Müller, Bodo
ISBN 9783667121592
Price: DKK 323.96

Planning map Wasserstraßen Deutschland Nordost

Deutschland Nordost; Elbe Bis Oder, with Berlin and the Mecklenburg waters Germany is divided into three map leaves of which the northeast is the leaf. Elbe from Lauenburg to Dresden Elbe side channel Mittelland kanal from Wolfsburg to Magdeburg Saale Müritz-Elde-Wasserstraße Obere-Havel-Wasserstraße Elbe-Havel Canal Berliner Spree. In addition to the map, a booklet with distances, locks, depths, heights and others is attached sailing information.