Nautical Chart 168 Anch. on Eritrea coast

Product number BA01680
Price DKK 384.54
Price ex. VAT DKK 307.63
Chart no. 168
Edition 2
Release October 2002
Scale 1:75000
Author UKHO
Price: DKK 384.54

POD 168 Anch. on Eritrea coast

Anchorages on the coast of Eritrea, different ports. A) Bera'isolé Bahir Selat'e (1:75.000) B) Anfile Bay (1:40.000) C) entrance to Ghubbet Mus Nefit (1:37.500) D) Melita Bay (1:25.000) E) Dissei Anchorage (1:15.000) F) Port Smyth (1:15.000) G) Dolphin Cove (1:12.500) Corrected to the latest NTM. (Print on Demand).