Søforklaring, Vejledning i

Product number 61220013
Price DKK 31.25
Price ex. VAT DKK 25.00
Edition 2
Release August 2001
Pages 22
Language Danish
Price: DKK 31.25

Vejledning i brug for Søforklaring

Book in Danish Guidance for use when issuing a sea declaration The Norwegian Maritime Authority's pamphlet on precautions when issuing a sea declaration deals with the notification of a desire to issue a sea declaration, the required documentation, what information must be provided about the voyage and the events that have led to the request for a sea declaration. The guide is divided into points such as shipwreck, grounding, damage to cargo, personal injury etc. The amendment to the Maritime Act, which comes into force on 1 July 2001, is included in the 2nd edition.