Søfarendes ansættelsesforhold

Product number 61230008
Price DKK 421.63
Price ex. VAT DKK 337.30
Edition 1
Release April 2014
Author Jespersen, J. Dyre og Løje, J
ISBN 9788777902598
Language Danish

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  1. Book
  2. E-Book
Price: DKK 421.63

Søfarendes ansættelsesforhold

is a continuation of the "Sailors' Act of 1973 with comments, 4th edition by Birthe and Egil Vestergaard". In addition, it has been expanded with comments on the Maritime Education Act. The book is part of the publisher Weilbach A/S series of textbooks for students at the navigation schools and the Navy's Officers' School in the subjects Naval Law and Ship Administration. Act on seafarers' employment, etc. is annotated in its entirety, while the Act on Maritime Education is annotated in such a way that the most important provisions are quoted and commented on, while the remaining provisions are simply mentioned for the sake of completeness. This book is in Danish. Available as hardcopy or digital E-Book via our free Windows-compatible software, SeaReader. More information on E-Books is on our SeaReader page: weilbach.com/weilbach/news-info/seareader-for-web-customers/