SIGTTO Alleviation of Excessive Surge Pressures on ESD for Liquefied Gas Transfer Systems

Product number 60921028
Price DKK 2,489.76
Price ex. VAT DKK 1,991.81
Edition 2
Release July 2018
ISBN 9781856097673
Language English
Price: DKK 2,489.76

Guidelines for the Alleviation of Excessive Surge Pressures on ESD for Liquefied Gas Transfer Systems

This publication explains the concept of surge pressure and provides practical advice on its associated hazards and risk management. It outlines the principal design and operational recommendations for cargo transfer systems and will benefit managers, designers and operators of liquefied gas carriers. This publication provides advice at every level of liquefied gas carrier operation. It encourages a mutual understanding of safe transfer procedures between designers, engineers and operators of both liquefied gas carriers and terminal loading and unloading systems. Readers are also made aware of the factors contributing to surge pressure hazards and the benefits of a linked ship/shore ESD system in mitigating these.