Secret Anchorages of Brittany

Product number 62841020
Price DKK 324.11
Price ex. VAT DKK 259.29
Edition 3
Release June 2016
Author Cumberlidge, Peter
ISBN 9781846238154
Language English
Price: DKK 324.11

Secret Anchorages of Brittany

Secret Anchorages of Brittany provides concise pilotage directions for practically all the natural anchorages along the Brittany coast, from the Bay of Mont St Michel round to the great estuary of the Loire. As with the first edition, the anchorages start near Cap de la Hague on the Cotentin Peninsula and include Iles Chausey. The book enters Brittany waters near Cancale and follows the whole 300-mile coastline, with its rivers, estuaries and offshore islands, looking into every nook and cranny on the way.