Reeds VHF DSC Handbook 3rd

Product number BLO1011C
Price DKK 167.99
Price ex. VAT DKK 134.39
Edition 3
Release July 2013
Author Sue Fletcher
ISBN 9781472902672
Price: DKK 167.99

Reeds VHF DSC Handbook 3rd

SeaReader eBook REEDS VHF DSC Handbook - 3rd Edition The Reed's VHF DSC Handbook is a user-friendly guide that gets marine VHF radio users quickly up to speed with both the analogue and digital functions on the radio. Sue Fletcher's straightforward explanations and tips describe the leisure craft VHF DSC radio system in detail and its place within GMDSS. Since it was first published it has become the standard work on the subject. Updated to take into account new developments and procedures it provides: All the information required to pass the Short Range Certificate (SRC) - which is compulsory for anyone using a VHF DSC radio; radio procedure, channel allocation, VHF radio theory and more; a full explanation of GMDSS, including details on EPIRBs, SARTs and Navtex; an invaluable onboard reference. The rescue authorities and commercial maritime world now rely almost entirely on DSC for initial contact, so if you need help and want to be heard, a marine VHF DSC radio is essential. Available as digital E-Book via our free Windows-compatible software, SeaReader. More information on E-Books is on our SeaReader page: