Prestan Ser. Espicial. 1973

Product number IMO736A-ES
Price DKK 193.21
Price ex. VAT DKK 154.57
Edition 1
Released January 1973
Author IMO
ISBN 9789280130249
Language Spanish
Price: DKK 193.21

Prestan Ser. Espicial. 1973

Seareader eBook Conferencia Internacional sobre Espacios Habitables en los Buques de Pasaje que Prestan Servicios Especiales, 1973 Acta Final de la Conferencia Junto con los Documentos Anexos y Texto del Protocolo Adoptado This Conference resulted from a resolution passed by the International Conference on Special Trade Passenger Ships, 1971, which required the formulation of technical rules covering the safety aspects of the disposition of passengers on special trade passenger ships. This publication contains: Final Act of the Conference Protocol and Rules on Space Requirements for Special Trade Passenger Ships (Space STP), 1973 Resolutions adopted by the Conference