Parallel Index Technique

Product number 62141010
Price DKK 604.28
Price ex. VAT DKK 483.42
Edition 2
Release August 2020
Author Alain Victor
ISBN 9781856097550
Language English
Price: DKK 604.28

Parallel Index Techniques in Restricted Waters.

Incl. RADAR Errors and Limitations. Use of ARPA and Chart Overlays This book is a guide to best practice for parallel indexing in restricted waters. It highlights the most common errors and limitations that affect parallel indexing which have been observed by pilots of the Corporation of the Lower St Lawrence Pilots (CLSLP) during their assignments. Parallel indexing is a well established method of constantly monitoring a vessels position. In marine navigation, the main goal of radar is to detect any vessels in the vicinity of the ship or any obstacles, such as land masses, in reduced visibility. Radar is also widely used in good visibility. Technological improvements and development refinements have allowed users to stretch the use of radar to its limits.