On Board Training Record Book

Product number 62721054
Price DKK 397.79
Price ex. VAT DKK 318.23
Edition 2
Released January 2012
Author International Chamber Shipping
ISBN 9781913997212
Language English
Price: DKK 397.79

On Board Training Record Book

ISF On Board Training Record Book for Deck Ratings including new STCW grade of Able Seafarer Deck. The 2010 amendments to the IMO STCW Convention, which enter into force in 2012, will make it mandatory for trainee deck ratings to use an approved training record book to provide evidence of structured on board training. This includes ratings seeking to qualify for the new STCW grade of Able Seafarer Deck. Most Flag States are expected to require ratings to be certificated as Able Seafarer Deck as part of their minimum safe manning requirements