London Con. Step by Step Guidance

Product number IMO536A
Price DKK 215.94
Price ex. VAT DKK 172.75
Edition 1
Author IMO
Language English, French, Spanish.
Price: DKK 215.94

London Con. Step by Step Guidance

SeaReader e-Book: I536M e-book: London Convention and Protocol -Step-by-step guidance on simple approaches to creating and using action lists and action levels for dredged material This publication is intended as a starting place for countries without action lists and/or action levels so that they can minimize the environmental impacts of dumping at sea. This will enable them to make sound permit decisions and to bein compliance with the requirements of the London Convention and Protocol. Available as digital E-Book via our free Windows-compatible software, SeaReader. More information on E-Books is on our SeaReader page: