Hafenguide 11 Flensburg-Danzig

Product number 64541092
Price DKK 425.60
Price ex. VAT DKK 340.48
Release 2014
Author Glaumann and Hermansson
ISBN 9788292284872
Language German/English
Price: DKK 425.60

Hafenguide 11

OFFER - Hafenguide 11 Flensburg - Danzig describes 250 anchorages and guest harbours/marinas from Flensburg to Gdansk. Each harbour is presented on its own page in the Guide with a detailed chart, aerial photograph, descriptive text and fact box. The charts include more details of depths than is usual on standard charts and chart plotters. We have also marked the best places to tie up, where the photograph was taken and where you will find the safest fairway. The aerial photographs and markings provide you with a quick overview of the character of the harbour, its atmosphere, facilities and fairways, danger spots and mooring points. The texts in Harbour Guide 11 describe the history of the location and provide you with tips and ideas for the various activities available to you in the harbour. You will also find information about anchorage, sheltered places toile, how best to moor and what you should pay special attention to. The fact boxes provide you with a quick overview of the harbour facilities, useful Internet addresses and telephone numbers. The Harbour Guides series encompasses 11 books that together cover the coast and the inland waters of Sweden, Danish coast, Norwegian coast, Polish coast and the German coast in the Baltic Sea. The Harbour Guides have achieved international success.