Haandbog i praktisk sømandsskab

Product number 62940001
Price DKK 499.00
Price ex. VAT DKK 399.20
Edition 4
Release January 1982
Author Jensen, Jens Kusk
ISBN 9788763835534
Language Danish
Price: DKK 499.00

Haandbog i praktisk sømandsskab

The Seaman's Bible has been called Jens Kusk Jensen's "handbook of practical seamanship", which was the textbook for all sailors in the old sailing ships. It took the author 11 years to write the first edition. 4 times ships that Kusk Jensen was involved in were shipwrecked and the manuscripts were lost. The first edition was published in 1901, but the work was still written and not least drawn on, and the edition from 1924 became the final one with its many detailed illustrations, which the author himself drew. This book in Danish.