Cargo Work - BSF

Product number 60121002
Price DKK 604.28
Price ex. VAT DKK 483.42
Edition 12
Release January 1992
Author Taylor, L. G.
ISBN 9780851746050
Language English
Price: DKK 604.28

This is the 12th Edition of this book, updated and completely revised to cover, as far as is possible in a changing progressive industry, the widest spectrum of cargo handling and the attendant services which this requires. As such, it aims to reflect the interests and needs of shippers to obtain the most efficient, effective and profitable means of carriage for their goods and of the procedures necessary to those ends. Within its 524 pages, this edition retains much of the basic principles of cargo handling, to move on, in more precise detail, to the specifies of most forms of cargoes, in 'dry bulk, unitized, containerized, refrigerated, dangerous and liquid form, all of which are supported by conventional and modern practices, with appropriate references to Legislation and Control recommendations and Codes of practice. In this latter aspect the importance of Safety is not neglected.