
Human Rights Policy

Weilbach support and is committed to respect internationally recognised human rights within our own operations, and our sphere of influence.


Labour Rights Policy

Weilbach recognise the right of employees to freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.

We are against all forms of forced or compulsory labour. Weilbach does not employ children and is against child labour.

No employee or job applicant will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, race, disability, marital status, nationality, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, age or religious beliefs, or any basis which is not related to their performance or their ability to carry out a job.

Weilbach will live up to legislative requirements and industry norms in regards to the health, safety and welfare of its employees. Remuneration of employees will meet or exceed legal national requirements. We will live up to national laws ensuring that working hours are not excessive and overtime is voluntary.


Quality Policy

Weilbach Canada, Weilbach Copenhagen, Weilbach Egypt and Weilbach Singapore (hereafter Weilbach CAN, CPH, EGY -or SG) will through an active management set goals and follow them and are committed to ensure continuously improvements and efficiency of the business processes within the following product or service range:

Sales, development, production and distribution of sea charts, nautical books, data, digital products, flags, signs, instruments, gifts, services and publishing activities within the areas of shipping, fishery, offshore and related businesses.

The following policy is the basis for the objectives Weilbach will meet, using quality system ISO 9001:2015. Weilbach shall:   

  1. Ensure that the requirements for the quality system are met and continuously improved. (CPH, EGY SG, CAN)
  2. Seek mutual cooperation with suppliers based on stability, reliability, quality and competitiveness. (CPH, EGY SG, CAN)
  3. Ensure that stock levels (maximum and minimum) are optimal according to sale and finance. (CPH, EGY SG, CAN)
  4. Ensure that deliveries (from suppliers) are correct and recorded and stocked quickly after receipt. (CPH)
  5. Market the company and products consistently and fairly. (CPH, EGY SG, CAN)
  6. Handle orders professionally and efficiently. (CPH, EGY SG, CAN)
  7. Ensure that sales efforts are based on high product knowledge and are built on long-term cooperation. (CPH, CAN, EGY and SG)
  8. Ensure that products / productions comply with approved budgets and schedules. (CPH)
  9. Deliver correctly. (CPH, EGY SG, CAN)
  10. Ensure that our quality- and environmental policies are externally communicated to customers and suppliers (CPH, EGY SG, CAN)


Environment Policy

Weilbach is committed to comply with applicable legislation regarding environmental issues.

Weilbach is committed to: Ensure continuous improvements, responsible use of raw materials and natural resources, prevent pollution, and operations designed to reduce activities that have a harmful impact on the environment.

The nature of Weilbach business has a very low impact on the external environment. Weilbach do not directly have any emissions to air, releases to water or land and do not directly use any raw materials or natural resources. Weilbach do not emit any energy through heat, radiation, vibration nor do Weilbach produce any noise or odour.


Anti-Corruption Policy & Gifts and Hospitality Policy

The giving or receiving of bribes is contrary to Weilbach Group values and can play no part in the way in which it carries out its business. Its guiding principle is simple: Weilbach Group will not engage in any form of bribery or corruption across our businesses.

This principle applies to the whole of Weilbach Group and its agents, advisers, consultants, suppliers and sub-contractors, who act on its behalf or with whom it conducts business. Even the suggestion of corruption may damage its reputation and may also bring the personal integrity of individuals into question.

Bribery is illegal within most, if not all, of the jurisdictions in which Weilbach Group operates and severe penalties apply to both companies and individuals who break those laws. Bribery and corruption have absolutely no place within the Weilbach Group, which is why it operates a strict “no tolerance” policy towards bribery and corruption, in all its forms, whether directly or indirectly, through third parties.

Weilbach will work against corruption, bribery, and other forms of fraudulent behaviour.

As a part of our work against corruption Weilbach will follow the below:

  1. Weilbach will document, record and keep income and expenditure data available for a minimum of 5 (five) years;
  2. Weilbach will not permit corruption of public officials or private-to-private corruption, including both ‘active’ and ‘passive’ corruption - ‘extortion’ or ‘solicitation’;
  3. Weilbach will not permit payment of bribes or trading in influence in relation in relation to business partners, government officials or employees; including through the use of intermediaries;
  4. Weilbach will not permit use of facilitation payments, unless you are subject to threats or other coercion;
  5. Weilbach will not hire government employees to do work that conflict in any manner with the former official obligations of that employee;
  6. Weilbach will not use political contributions, charitable donations and sponsorships in expectation of undue advantages;
  7. Weilbach will not be offering or accepting excessive gifts, hospitality, entertainment, customer travel and expenses above the cumulative value of the equivalent of 2000 DKK per person/relationship in any twelve month period;
  8. Weilbach will abstaining from nepotism and cronyism;
  9. Weilbach will not participate in money laundering.


Weilbach Drug & Alcohol Policy

To ensure workers safety and health, quality in customer service and to professionally manage business relations Weilbach has an alcohol policy.

Employees may not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs within working hours.

Only on special occasions alcohol may be consumed.